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Welcome To Understanding Nutrition.

Eating Disorder Excellence Starts Here.
Jessica Setnick, MS,RD, CEDRD-S

Dietitians, Medical & Mental Health Professionals

You’ve got the heart but you need the know-how.
I’ve got answers.

Treatment Facilities

High staff turnover and AMAs are clues that patients aren’t getting what they need.
Let’s change the culture for better outcomes.

Comprehensive eating disorder training, updated for today’s issues and packed with the answers you needed yesterday.


Let’s talk over your challenges today so that you can get some sleep tonight.

Speaker & Events

Eating disorder training for four or four thousand, online or on-site. Tough crowd? I’m up for it. College audiences, too.

Speaker Marketing Tools

You’ve got a lot to say. Is anyone listening? Let’s put together your unique speaking platform and get your message out to the world.

Jessica Setnick Testimonials

My favorite part was how you present the information and your passion behind what you do. Everyone was blown away by your knowledge and insight. You’re so personable and authentic

Event Planner